
Joanna Furlong

Joanna Furlong - San Diego, CA

Joanna is an executive communication strategist, thought leadership consultant, and writer.

She guides executives and entrepreneurs in discovering and owning their voices, message, and values. In today’s fast-paced world, having a compelling and consistent brand is crucial to attracting and engaging the right audience. It all begins with knowing your thought leadership pillars and confidently sharing your distinct perspective with the world.

Joanna has spent 20 years in various marketing and communications roles, driving brand cohesion, sales enablement, executive communications, and content for venture-backed startups and small to medium-sized businesses in diverse industries. Along the way, she's always served as the executive communications partner. C-suite executives have consistently relied on Joanna to provide candid feedback and transform their ideas into compelling stories for all audiences and purposes, from speeches to communications with boards, venture capitalists, and the media.